221 Orchard Rd.
Reading, PA 19605
From Pottsville: Take Rt. 61 S to 222 N. Follow 222 N to Rt. 73. Turn left onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.
From Philadelphia: Take I-76 W (PA Turnpike) to the Morgantown exit. Take this exit and follow signs to I-176 N. Take I-176 N to 422 W (use left lane exit for Reading). Stay on 422 W past the Penn Avenue exits. Do not turn off this main road; 422 W becomes 222 N. Stay on 222 N for about 10 miles to Rt. 73. Turn left onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.
From Lancaster: Take Rt. 30 to 222 N. From 222 N. Follow 222 N for about 10 miles to Rt. 73. Turn left onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.
From Allentown: From Rt. 78 W take the exit for 100 S. Take 100 S until it meets up with 222 S. Take 222 S toward Reading to Rt. 73. Turn right onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.
From Exton: Take the Pottstown Pike to I-76 W (PA Turnpike). Follow the turnpike to the Morgantown exit. Take the Morgantown exit and follow signs to I-176 N. Continue on I-176 N to 422 W (use left lane exit for Reading). Stay on 422 W past the Penn Avenue exits. Do not turn off this main road; 422 W becomes 222 N. Stay on 222 N for about 10 miles to Rt. 73. Turn left onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.
From Harrisburg: Take Rt. 78 E until you reach Rt. 61 S. Merge onto Rt. 61 S. Follow 61 S to 222 N. Take 222 N to Rt. 73. Turn left onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.
From Harrisburg: (I-76 W.): Take I-76 W. towards Morgantown/Reading. Exit at Morgantown and travel I-176 N. Merge on 422 W. towards Reading. 422 W. becomes 222 N. Continue on 222 N for about 10 miles to Rt. 73. Turn left onto Rt. 73 and go approximately one mile and Shriners field will be on your left. Turn left onto Orchard Rd. and follow up to the field entrance on your left.